Turf Talk From The Supentendent
Dear Members,
The 16th green is frozen and due to lack of daytime sunlight it doesn't thaw out enough to put traffic on it. So, it will be closed until further notice. The normal play route changes will be to play #14 twice to achieve an 18-hole round.
We have had an irrigation tee blowout and are in the process of repairing it, however, with the rain and freezing temperatures it is going to be an extended process until the over night and daytime temperatures return to a more normal temp such as mid-forties at the frost layer.
We are in a time crunch because our spring pre-emergent herbicide application must be on the ground and watered in by the end of January or first week in February at the latest.
The tree company has already removed the tree from #1 pond and on Monday 20th will cut down the tree behind the clubhouse that was struck by lightning. They will also remove the debris on #18 that Duke Energy left behind when they were clearing the tree branches from power lines and grind the tree stump to ground level.
A few weeks ago, we contracted with a company to treat the irrigation pond on #9 to kill the weeds. They will be back during the first week of February to spray a second time and then monthly thereafter to keep the weeds under control.
A few clean up notes: please do not drag your feet when walking on greens so they don't leave spike marks or scuffs behind, this time of year is especially difficult on Bermuda grass greens as they are a warm season grass. This means the grass can't heal itself as quickly as it can during the warmer months. If you see public players damaging our greens, please report it to
either myself or the golf shop ASAP so we can educate the golfers. I certainly don't feel like it is an intentional act, but rather a lack of understanding of how it affects the players behind and the healing properties of the grass itself.