News from the Superintendent

Well we have almost made it through this season. It has been a very rough stretch this month. With mowers breaking down and the loss of several employees, it has been a long hard month. But we keep on keeping on.

The new green tee boxes have been mowed for the first time with the tee mower, they will need some water and fertilizer and one more good mow before they will be ready for play. Several tees will also need some topdressing to smooth them out. Hopefully, they will be ready by the end of September.

I will be raising the heights on the mowers to get us ready for the winter months. I will also be putting out our fall fertilization and a preemergent for weeds. These two applications will get us through the end of the year.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding while we have dealt with down machines. I know the rough has been tough, but we will get things back to normal sooner than later.


Kevin McCamy, GCS


Club Championship 2020
